Archief voor december, 2013

awstats on Websitepanel

Geplaatst: december 2, 2013 in Hosting

install perl ( 32bit ) on the server in c:\perl
install awstats 7.0 exe ( latest exe found ) in c:\awstats
create ‘data’ directory under c:\awstats\

on server level change the log fields to ( as per awstats documentation )

date time
cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query

Create a virtual directory under the default website named awstats. Point this virtual directory to the wwwroot folder under c:\awstats\
make sure the application pool is set to NET2.0 with enable 32bit applications set to true

On server level create a module handler with settings:

isapi module
perl for pl extension


add statistics service to server. Choose AWstats.
Copy everything from the template txt field to a template file ( due to a bug which interprets the % signs incorrectly, this field cannot be used in versions 1.2 till 2.1 latest beta ). Empty the txt field completely.
put the name and path to the file in the use template path file field underneath the txt field
instead of the txt field, the file will now be read and config needs to be done in here.
Change the awstats help url to the correct values ( pointing to the awstats virtual dir created earlier. This url will be used by all customers to access the stats.

In the template file ( eg named awstats.template.conf and located under c:\awstats\wwwroot\cgi-bin\ ) the following needs to be changed:

if you selected only the fields described by awstats, you should be able to use this:

LogFormat = “%time2 %method %url %query %other %host %other %ua %referer %code %bytesd”
LogFile = “[LOGS_FOLDER]\u_ex%YY-3%MM-3%DD-3.log”
DirData = “C:\AWStats\data”

The Dirdata entry was also changed because in tests the %systemrive% variable was not correctly parsed.

Change the hosting plan to include the awstats service and allow at least 1 site.

On customer level hoover over websites and choose advanced statistics. Create a stats site here.
By clicking on view statistics, you will be brought to the stats of that customer.


after creating the first customer with stats, WSP will have created a updatestats.bat file in c:\awstats\wwwroot\cgi-bin\
This bat file needs to be scheduled to keep the stats up to date.
Schedule this file eg hourly.